Media, Publications & Abstracts


St Vincent’s Private Hospital Inspired Magazine 2019 Issue 1 (OB-GYN Medical Student Rotation):



St Vincent’s Private Hospital Magazine (News from around the hospital):



St Vincent’s Private Hospital Magazine (Dr Tom Cade wore his family heirloom proud):



Economic Assessment of Gestational Diabetes (GDM) (Royal Women’s Hospital):



Dr Cade’s Scholarship from RANZCOG for Gestational Diabetes (GDM) Diagnosis Research (Royal Women’s Hospital):



Modern Care Decreases the Risk of Gestational Diabetes (GDM) – a study supervised by Dr Cade (Herald Sun):



Royal Women’s Hospital:



Genetic Testing for Breast and Ovarian Cancer, meeting with Health Minister Greg Hunt’s (Royal Women’s Hospital):

Scientific Publications

  1. Cade T, Quinn M, Rome R, Neesham D.

    Progestogen treatment options for early endometrial cancer.

    BJOG 2010; 107:879-84.

  2. Cade TJ, Quinn MA, McNally OM, Neesham D, Pyman J, Dobrotwir A.

    Predictive value of magnetic resonance imaging in assessing myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer: Is radiological staging sufficient for planning conservative treatment?

    IJGC 2010; 20:1166-1169.

  3. Cade TJ, Gilbert SA, Polyakov A, Hotchin A.

    The accuracy of spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio in confirming proteinuria in preeclampsia.

    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2012; 52:179-182.

  4. Cade TJ, Quinn MA, Rome RM, Neesham D.

    Long term outcomes of progestogen treatment of early endometrial cancer.

    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2013; 53:566-570.

  5. Ades A, May J, Cade TJ, Umstad MP

    Laparoscopic transabdominal cervical cerclage: a 6 year experience.

    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2014; 54:117-120.

  6. Cade TJ, Da Silva Costa F, Reidy K, Doyle LW, Mitchell SE, Palma-Dias R, Umstad MP.

    Pregnancy Prognosis Associated with an Isolated Single Umbilical Artery in Twin Pregnancy.

    Twin Res Hum Genet 2014; 17:584-588.

  7. Cade TJ, Quinn MA, Rome RM, Polyakov A.

    Prognostic significance of steroid receptor positivity and adjuvant progestogen use in endometrial stromal sarcoma.

    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2014; 54:453-456.

  8. Mitchell SE, Reidy K, da Silva Costa F, Palma-Dias R, Cade TJ, Umstad MP.

    Congenital malformations associated with a single umbilical artery in twin pregnancies.

    Twin Res Hum Genet 2015; 18:595-600.

  9. Cade TJ, de Crespigny P, Nguyen T, Cade JR, Umstad MP.

    Should the spot albumin-to-creatinine ratio replace the spot protein-to-creatinine ratio for proteinuria screening in pregnancy.

    Pregnancy Hypertens 2015; 5:298-302.

  10. Fally F, Presneill J, Cade T.

    Macrosomia rates in Women with Diet-Controlled Gestational Diabetes: A retrospective study.

    J Pregnancy 2017; doi:10.1155/2017/4935397.

Published Abstracts

  1. Vally F, Cade TJ, Smith E, Holt S.

    A pilot study: calciprotein particle levels in term umbilical cord at delivery.

    Pathology 2017; 49:S101

  2. Ford E, Cade T, Umstad M.

    Prevalence of obesity and gestational diabetes among Australian Aboriginal pregnant women.

    Proceedings of the 2017 ADIPS/SOMANZ Annual Meeting